Why Science-Based Nutrition Works

Oct 7, 2021

From muscle building to vitamin intake to weight loss, science-based nutritional supplements are becoming increasingly popular for their effectiveness and trustworthiness. Knowing that these products are backed by science and thoroughly researched, consumers are becoming more confident in putting their faith in them to produce the results the labels promise. But why does science-based nutrition work when food fails us? Let’s take a closer look.


Eating a balanced diet is a must for good health. We can get most of the nutrients we need from whole, unprocessed foods to live an energized life and support our immune systems. The problem comes when we tend to eat more processed foods, convenience foods or non-organic products with unknown substances that can be harmful. For example, we may consume a lot of fish to get our required intake of Omega fats but increase cholesterol and get exposed to high levels of mercury. We may eat meat for protein, but this also comes with unhealthy doses of cholesterol. We can even get fibre from store-bought granola, but it will be full of unrefined sugars.

Unfortunately, the cost is also a factor, as organic, whole foods often cost more, and processed sugary alternatives are cheaper. So while many of us may be following a disciplined diet, it’s not always possible to get enough amino acids, vitamins and minerals from our food alone.


You may have noticed that you’re trying to build muscle or lose weight on a natural diet, but the results are slow. This is because you’re not getting the targeted nutrients you need for your specific body type or individual needs. For example, you may be getting enough calcium in your diet, but is your body absorbing it correctly? A supplement that combines calcium, Vitamin D, and magnesium will aid in better absorption, boost your bone and muscle health, and regulate insulin levels and cardiovascular function. Similarly, a deficient diet in amino acids can lead to fatigue, weight gain or a weakened immune system. Again, this is because your body does not produce amino acids, and it’s not always possible to get them from food.

A scientifically researched, tested, and proven-to-work product can give you just the proper supplementary intake you need for optimum functioning. The great thing about biopharma, as opposed to synthetic pharmaceuticals, is that they provide a targeted nutritional boost with no side effects.


Whether you want to boost your immune system, build muscle or lose weight safely and effectively, Sunshine Biopharma Nutrition has the solution. We stock a wide range of science-based nutritional products continuously developing to give you the best results. For a healthy dietary supplement, contact us here or call 514-426-6161.